Holler Tore. We live sustainability.

Sustainability and social responsibility. From the very beginning, the responsible and prudent use of energy, raw materials and production methods has played a central role in our company.

Our today´s decisions shape our tomorrow´s world.

We process high-quality, durable materials by applying environmentally friendly and state-of-the-art technologies. Just another reason why our product lines PRO, HOLLER HOME and HOLLER DIY excel through highest quality and a very long lifetime. By adhering to these principles, we take responsibility for present and future generations.

Another of our key ambitions is to promote actions that support the compatibility of work and family. We support women in particular so that they can continue their careers after interruption due to childcare. Our new company kindergarten makes a significant contribution to this goal by improving and encouraging the work-life balance of our employees.

Plant II Expansion + new halls 2021

Most modern sliding gate factory in Europe

Expansion plans included an additional production hall of approx. 10.000 m2. Our state-of-the-art and robot-assisted production technologies are based on the principles of Industry 4.0. Thanks to our vanguard technologies we are able to manufacture custom-made aluminium sliding gates for the global market. The new plant will almost double our capacities.  This project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund. For more information on IWB/EFRE go to: www.efre.gv.at 

Our 7 principles of sustainability and social responsibility.


To contribute to a greener environment, our production processes take advantage of the powerful photovoltaic system installed on the roof of the production halls which converts the radiation of the sun into usable energy.

Façade greening

Façade greening with vertical green walls serves as natural insulation and protects our production halls from heating up in summer and reduces heating costs in winter.

Busy bees

Façade greening as "natural air conditioning" is a valuable habitat and an important source of food for animals such as butterflies, birds, and especially our amazing bees.

Electric vehicles

The electric vehicles in our fleet encourage the establishment of a quiet, efficient and clean electric mobility. Thanks to their environmentally friendly drive systems, electric motors are an innovative and efficient alternative to conventional combustion engines.

Wastewater-free powder coat finish

Our electrostatic powder coating plant is the largest in Austria and one of the most environmentally friendly and efficient systems for surface treatment worldwide. We rely on a wastewater-free process water and sink treatment that does not compromise the environment.

Waste heat utilisation and organic district heating

Our production halls are heated both by waste heat generated during the thermal processes in production and by climate-neutral district heating supplied by the nearby biomass heating plant.

Company childcare facilities

Thanks to our company kindergarten parents need less time to drop off or pick up their children. Opening hours of the childcare facilities are tailored to the needs of employees and thus reconciled with parents´ work schedules. We believe that family well-being is the heart of global well-being.

History Holler Tore

1992 foundation

Establishment of sole proprietorship by Ewald Holler.

1993 first hall

Building of first hall (steel hall 250 m2).

1994 second hall

Plans to build another hall with another 450 m2 surface.

1998 third hall

Ewald Holler decides to expand the plant by building another hall with 600 m2 to further expand operation.

2000 office buildings

Building new office facilities adds another 280 m2. Total company area reaches 1,580 m2.

2005 GmbH 

Conversion of the sole proprietorship into a limited liability company (Ltd.).  

2009 end-production and loading hall

Building of hall for end production and loading with additional 2,900 m2.

2010 welding hall

10 years after first office building, the company grows with another hall -the welding hall with an area of 1,100 m2.

2011 largest powder coating plant in Austria

Opening of the largest powder coating plant in Austria, building of social and lounge rooms (2,100 m2).

2013 extension office buildings

Another office building with 120 m2 is built.

2014 extension

Extension of storage area, establishment of a loading ramp for special transport (1,000 m2).


Renovation of steel hall, acquisition of new welding robot plant, building of a showroom (190 m2).

2017 milling center

Building of an additional finishing hall (1,500 m2), and a new milling center.


Acquisition of new high-precision laser machine.


Plans to build a new hall in Leitring.


New production hall with approx. 11,000 m2 increases the plant´s surface.


New office space, company canteen and kindergarten.

Contact us

We are happy to assist. Contact our teams in Austria, Germany, Switzerland, Poland and France.